Something is Better Than Nothing

It’s true, at least as far as working out goes.

I have a lot of goals. I don’t reach all of them. Even my exercise goals are the same way–I have a plan, if I don’t reach it, then the next week (or month or year) I need to change the plan.

For instance, this morning, I was hoping to be up at 4:45 to get in a two hour bike ride before work; that didn’t happen, as I didn’t wake up until 5:30. So now the plan is changed to an hour ride after work.

Two hours would have been ideal today. But since that didn’t happen, an hour is better than nothing. I still have options; I could instead do nothing and call it a day. I can also try to reschedule a ride for later in the week (although since I have an eleven day work stretch–and twelve out of thirteen too–starting today, that’s unlikely). But right now, that hour I do after work is a lot better than the zero I could otherwise do. I’ll take it!

This entry was posted on Friday, June 5th, 2009 at 9:44 am and is filed under Exercise, Motivation, Social aspects. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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