Food for More Than Thought

Hypoglycemia–low blood sugar–is the biggest enemy of the athletic diabetic. Sometimes more food is necessary before a workout session. While I try to figure out more snacks during workdays (mostly I have cheese and almonds; in the past I’ve had organic peanut butter as well), Triple Workout Thursday is posing a unique challenge. It’s pretty clear to me that I need some food before running after work, and it’s also clear that I need a little more food before swimming. The question is how.

One of the issues I’m facing is lack of refrigeration, or at least not substantial refrigeration. I can certainly bring something that needs refrigeration in the morning when I come to work and put it in my refrigerator in the office and eat it as I’m heading out for my run, but what to do about a post run snack is less clear. At this point I’ve been actually eating out just before my run, getting a small snack from McDonalds, since it’s close to the pool we swim at.

It’s obvious that both for my budget and my health I’m going to need to do something different. I’m trying to figure out what at this point.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 at 10:26 am and is filed under Diet, Exercise. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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