Accountability Is a Fancy Word Meaning “You’re Responsible”
I’m on vacation this week. Some of these posts may be a bit short, but they were written to give you something to read while I’m traveling as well as to continue on our ongoing themes:
Accountability is a word I hear thrown around a lot at work. Basically it’s used to let people know that they need to produce, so they’re accountable for what they do (and it’s compounded if you’re a supervisor or manager, because you’re then accountable for the people working for you).
Accountability really just lets people know they’re being held responsible.
As far as my health goes–what I eat and how much, when I work out, what I do for exercise, how much I do–there’s no one accountable besides me.
My test of accountability comes from this blog, and it comes every morning when I get on the scale, and every day when I look at my action list and see, “lift,” “ride”, “run,” or “swim”–or maybe more than one of those–on it.
Right now, coming back from a week of traveling, it’s clear to me that I’ve got to be more accountable–more responsible–to myself and my dedication toward fitness and health.