My Story, Part Fifty
I’m learning, really, I am. I’m learning that as I get older, stubbornness and will power aren’t always enough to make up for whatever I lack athletically.
Last year when I did the century, it was outrageously hot. This is a ride where it usually rains at least a little bit, but not one drop was felt this past year. I rode all the way, got the best time I’ve had in quite a few years–and promptly fell victim to heat stroke. Amazingly, I did no permanent damage to myself, but that clearly was not the best idea I’ve had.
I need to balance the need for training with being smart about it.
It was boiling hot today; I got up too late to do my 5 am ride, so instead I waited until the afternoon. In the morning I assisted at the dog shelter, walking the dogs–unfortunately, one ran off and I was out in the sun over an hour looking for her. So I’m a bit burnt, and the sun continued through the afternoon.
Finally rode for an hour from 5-6 pm.
Tomorrow I’ll try the other end, from 5 am to 6 am. Time on the bike is precious, and it’s ticking away.