Working Out Isn’t Even Half of It

My diet has been lacking the last few months. I’ve known this was going to be an issue and my recent lab results show my hemoglobin a1c at 8.9, a far cry from the 7 it’s usually at and the 6.1 considered normal.

This despite the fact that my exercise schedule has been reasonable if not optimal.

It’s easier to keep your sugar down if it never enters your system. Of course, that’s often easier said than done.

So I’ve targeted my diet. I have to stay as far away from excessive carbohydrates as possible, although I’m far from perfect (for instance, I had a pasta dish on Saturday night). This weekend has been better; salads from Costco and the micro priced (but also micro sized) Side Salad from McDonalds (on their dollar menu, and looks like it, although the picture from is really impressive).

It’s time to get those numbers back down again, and working out, while critically important, isn’t even half of what I need to do.
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This entry was posted on Monday, December 21st, 2009 at 10:30 am and is filed under Diet, Exercise, Medical care. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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