The 2011 Johnny Faerber 10K
This 10K was a real test. I’ve been faster in the 5K and 8K leading up to it, but 5Ks and 8Ks aren’t really long enough in my opinion to tell me a lot about how fast I really am, since I can power through short distances. a 10K, however, is long enough to be a real challenge.
The course I ran was similar to the 5K and 8K courses I ran in the last few weeks, with a bit more distance and hills, both up and down. What I was targeting was a 10:30 pace, but I did better–even though I was seriously laboring–than that, and in fact was even faster than I was in the 8K a couple of weeks ago. I actually broke a ten minute pace at an official time of 9:57–5 seconds per mile faster than in the 8K two weeks ago, almost two minutes faster than I was in the same race last year, and a personal record for any distance longer than 5K.
Bring on the Great Aloha Run!
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