Posted on February 22nd, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling |
It took long enough and it was complicated by the PayPal debacle I blogged about on Uncommon Cents, but I finally got a bit of bike maintenance done–and once my new cassette comes (ordered, of course, via eBay), there’ll be even more. What have I done? Changed headset lockring: This bike came with an aluminum, […]
Posted on February 5th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Personal, Running, Training |
I left way too early on Wednesday morning for Oakland (7:15 am) which meant I needed to be at Honolulu Airport about 5 am! So much for a Wednesday morning workout–or anything resembling it until that evening until at the fitness center at the hotel. They had treadmills, weights, elipticals, and stationary bikes. I haven’t […]
Posted on February 4th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Social aspects |
I need to do the little things. At this point that means bicycle maintenance. I badly need to replace my seatpost, headset, cassette, and wheels, as well as rewrap my handlebars and install my cyclometer, and even though I own the things to get lots of these done–and the rest are really not all that […]
Posted on February 2nd, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events, Running, Training |
My schedule on weekends–particularly on Sundays–is killing me, but I think it’s worth it. For whatever reason I seem to keep pushing my “long” ride on Saturdays–three hours right now–to Sunday, which is in addition to my “long” run of ten miles, over two hours at the slow, easy pace I’ve set myself up for. […]
Posted on January 26th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events, Running, Training |
I’m out of town starting on Wednesday morning–going to Oakland for work–then back on Saturday afternoon. I’m hoping this doesn’t disrupt my training schedule (much) since there’s a “fitness center” (not a “gym”, I guess) in the hotel we’re staying at, and my traveling partner is my running partner from work. So I’ll be out […]
Posted on January 18th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events, Personal, Running, Social aspects |
While Tweeting up with some of the local folks this weekend, one of them said they wanted to donate to my Livestrong Challenge effort but didn’t really understand it. So I figured I’d blog about it to try to give them a better idea of what I’m doing. Let’s see how this works in the […]
Posted on January 13th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events |
I’m committed to another event–this one the Haleiwa Metric Century. I’ve done this event before, in 2008, when I finished–even though I struggled through–four big events. I actually did very well for sixty of the sixty two miles, then flatted. The worst part is that I did something I almost never do in this kind […]
Posted on January 8th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Administration, Bicycling, Motivation, Organized events, Personal, Running, Social aspects |
I’m committed now. I’m definitely going to Philadelphia for the Livestrong Challenge, and I’ll be doing both the 10K run (which, quite frankly, I’m not worried about) and the century (which, quite frankly, I am worried about). And as I said the other day, I have been just blown away by the generosity of the […]
Posted on January 5th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Running, Training |
I’m feeling winded, but not really sore. I really believe this training program I’m currently on for running–which, while my secondary athletic endeavor, has taken a front seat due to the fact that I have three running events coming up within the next seven weeks–is working. That fascinates me, because I’ve been such a struggling […]
Posted on January 1st, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Administration, Bicycling, Motivation, Organized events, Personal, Running |
Yes, I’m still (mostly) on a holiday hiatus–and unlike my other blogs, this blog is never a weekend poster–but as a follow up to yesterday’s post about my entering the Livestrong Challenge in Philadelphia, I have to say that I am grateful, honored, humbled, and awed by the response. Within the first 24 hours of […]