Posted on December 31st, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events |
Well, it’s not totally hiatus time, but posts are infrequent, however, I would just like to say I officially registered for Livestrong Challenge Philadelphia today. My personal fundraising page is at: Please support me in riding this event! I’m going a long way to do a century, and I’d like to make it special […]
Posted on December 28th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Running, Social aspects |
I’m working really hard and hoping that I’m learning something. I’m on an ambitious workout schedule and I’m seriously watching my diet; in fact, I’m also testing my sugars before and after meals as I try to figure out what will raise my sugars and what won’t. I usually run four days a week now: […]
Posted on December 16th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Personal, Running |
I’d like to do more. I’m starting over with some of my training and cutting back on my overall effort to keep my heart rate down. I’m doing what’s called building a base of aerobic fitness, and while it’s necessary, it almost feels like I’m slacking off. I feel like I can go harder, but […]
Posted on November 20th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Social aspects |
It’s the end of the season, so that means it’s time for me to take stock of what’s going on with my fitness equipment and figure out what to do. As usual I’ve gone through a small box of tubes–ten in all, so I’ll be ordering some of those. My front headlamp also is dead […]
Posted on November 18th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events, Social aspects |
I have a goal. Not long ago I sprung for a Fat Cyclist team jersey from Twin Six, even though it is way out of line with the jerseys I usually get. I did this for two reasons: one, because part of the proceeds went to Livestrong; and two, because I’m considering going to Philadelphia […]
Posted on November 13th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling |
I got a shot of adrenaline last week Sunday. I was out on my bike, doing a very cursory ride–just an hour–and was about to finish it off, pulling into a driveway at the parking lot of a nearby mall. At that point I was hit by a car coming out of the same driveway […]
Posted on November 3rd, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Exercise |
I’m a little sore. Not a lot, but a little. I’ve been getting my training program going again after having fallen a bit off the wagon for awhile. My weight has crept back up to 190 after spending a long time around 185. So I’ve been running and riding, and trying to get my diet […]
Posted on October 19th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Social aspects |
It’s dark earlier in the evenings and stays dark later in the mornings. It’s also colder. For those of you who don’t live in Hawai’i, you can stop laughing now. The truth is that it’s more difficult for me to do my outdoor training–aside from swimming–at this time of year. While I prefer running at […]
Posted on October 13th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Motivation, Social aspects |
My rear tire is flat. It happened during the century ride. I flatted, then changed the tube but possibly pinched it during the change, since it flatted again. I eventually finished on a partially inflated rear tire, which didn’t help my time. It’s also been two weeks since the century and my tire is still […]
Posted on October 12th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Motivation, Organized events, Running |
I’m lazy. It’s been two weeks since the century and aside from lifting weights, a couple of runs, and one night of swimming I haven’t done anything in terms of exercise. It’s time to start up again. I don’t have as large a goal as the century in my near term future, but I do […]