Posted on October 8th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events, Running, Training |
Since the century is now done (and my bike is without a functional rear tube, albeit temporarily), I’m going to switch my workout emphasis from cycling to running for a bit. Why, especially considering how much I hate running? I have a running event in December (a 5k) and another in February (the Great Aloha […]
Posted on October 6th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events, Personal, Running, Social aspects |
I’m recovered–but my bike hasn’t. It’s more than a week after the century ride finished and I still haven’t changed the tube on the rear tire of my Bianchi. It’s flat as a pancake. I flatted around mile 78, changed the tube, but probably pinched the replacement when I did and could only inflate it […]
Posted on October 5th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events |
That’s not my cycling career–I hope–just what happened on Sunday last. I finished the century, for the fourth straight time. Very slowly. My strategy this year was to finish, not injure myself, avoid heat stroke (after last year), and avoid cramping (at least as much as I could). What that translated into was a lot […]
Posted on September 28th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Administration, Bicycling, Organized events |
I’m not dead. At least, I better not be, since I didn’t set any posts to publish until I returned from the century on Sunday night. By now, I must be done with the century ride for the fourth consecutive year. I’m sure I’ll have pictures and stories and talking about how I had to […]
Posted on September 25th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Social aspects, Swimming, Training |
The best exercise is the type that pushes you to the edge–works you as hard as you can, but doesn’t injure you. It’s not easy. The century is a lot like that for me. It’s a really long ride by most people’s standards–100 miles–although it’s a lot easier on the joints than the marathon is. […]
Posted on September 24th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events, Social aspects |
I’m going to do it, ready or not. For the fourth straight year I’m going to ride 100 miles in the Honolulu Bicycling League Century ride. The course is almost always the same, but the challenge is constant. I’m fighting the terrain, the elements, father time, and myself. The course has some hills of significance, […]
Posted on September 23rd, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events, Running, Social aspects, Training |
As the century approaches, I’m considering revamping my workout schedule. My thirteen workout a week target is rarely met and even when it is, it seems like I’m not really getting fitter. I have mixed feelings on how to change things up. I have to figure out what my athletic goals for the last parts […]
Posted on September 22nd, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events, Technology, Training |
I’m resting. At this point, with just days before the century ride, riding lots of miles isn’t really going to make me do any better on this coming long ride. I am riding–short distances–to keep my legs fresh, but I also know that I can’t cram in miles. I’m also making sure my equipment is […]
Posted on September 21st, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Social aspects |
This entry is cross posted at my financial blog, Uncommon Cents: I have a really big bike ride coming up in a week. I’ve been training, although not as much as I usually do, and engaging in very little bike maintenance. This weekend I took a day off from training and instead concentrated on some […]
Posted on September 18th, 2009 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Organized events, Training |
I’m about as ready as I’m going to be. The century’s at the end of the month, and I’m just about a week away. I’ve gotten in about as much training as I can. My weight is about the same as it was last year. My legs feel about the same. I’m a year older. […]