Posted on June 29th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Injuries, Training |
I came down with heat exhaustion last week while I was on vacation. A two hour ride at midday, combined with extraordinary heat and humidity and a broken ice maker in our refrigerator to put me in pretty rough shape the next day. I needed hydration, and in a bad way. A few days off, […]
Posted on June 9th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Organized events, Training |
In more ways than one, time is definitely not on my side. Athletic performance is highly dependent on youth, and like everyone else, I get older every day. I’m having difficulty fitting all of my workouts in. the Livestrong Philadelphia events are on the horizon. I’ve got deadlines looming. The positive part about deadlines is […]
Posted on June 4th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Bicycling, Training |
I’m tired, stiff, and hot–which means that I had a decent workout yesterday. The issue is that it’s not as long as I want. Remember that it was just April when I did a 62 mile ride without much trouble, but I’m not convinced I could do the same now. But I’ll get there. Fitness […]
Posted on May 25th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Motivation, Training |
I’m not quite there in terms of my training. The weather has, again, played a part this week, as well as changes in routine. Events are coming up, and I have other obligations, like my podcast and my coding, which are adding to the usual time issues of a couple of jobs and a few […]
Posted on May 24th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Diet, Running, Training, Weight loss |
A blog post on why endurance athletes don’t always lose weight was linked to on Twitter the other day, and while (1) it was more of a rant on some television show I’ve never seen and (2) I think that the logic of calories is flawed (I’m no less than a zillion percent convinced that […]
Posted on May 21st, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Social aspects, Training |
I’m finding socializing is not helping my training. Yes, I’m known for being anti-social, but those few times I do go out cuts into training time and sleep time. I need to figure out a way to address that. if there’s nothing else I’ve learned from training this year it’s that rest really helps. I […]
Posted on May 19th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Training |
I’m trying to motivate myself to swim again. The weather is more than warm enough–it’s downright hot at this moment–but Thursday nights seem booked, even if they’re not. It’s just a matter of me getting it together. Last week was a Tweetup. This week it’s another one, albeit a running one. The next week I […]
Posted on May 18th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Motivation, Social aspects, Training |
It was not the best training day on Saturday–in fact, it was not the best training week, period. I did a bit of running and a bit of cycling, but I stayed out too late Friday night with a bunch of my friends, eating way too much (as well as way too unhealthily); when I […]
Posted on May 17th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Motivation, Training |
I’m doing okay, but I could be better. My results have been more than decent, but I’m just not feeling like I’m training or eating as I’m supposed to. I spend so much time trying to figure out how to get myself to follow the schedules I set forth I’m not sure if I’d be […]
Posted on May 14th, 2010 by ryan
Filed under Technology, Training |
After reading about heart rate monitor training and using one myself (I currently have one on loan from a Twitter friend that I really have to return), I have to say that yes, indeed, my performance has been better. Heart Monitor Training for the Compleat Idiot is the book I used as my reference, and […]